Cindy Howle, Author at Dogster

Cindy Howle

Cindy writes about all things dog for numerous national publications. When she is not writing, she trains her own two dogs, Bella and Ozcar — both rescues, for AKC sports. She enjoys reading and spends time organizing after a long teaching career. You can follow her in Instagram @cyhowle.

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Visit your vet ASAP. Signs of toxicity (restlessness, hyperactivity, vomiting and agitation) can occur within 30 minutes after your dog ate coffee grounds, sometimes progressing to tremors and seizures.
Visit your vet ASAP. Signs of toxicity (restlessness, hyperactivity, vomiting and agitation) can occur within 30 minutes after your dog ate coffee grounds, sometimes progressing to tremors and seizures.
Follow these guidelines to avoid Hawaii animal quarantine and a hefty fine when traveling to Hawaii with your dog as the state has strict rabies vaccination and health requirements for pets entering the state.
Follow these guidelines to avoid Hawaii animal quarantine and a hefty fine when traveling to Hawaii with your dog as the state has strict rabies vaccination and health requirements for pets entering the state.
Seven days is the standard amount of time for taking a cone off after neuter, but before taking action, determine whether the incision is inflamed and if your dog will ignore it.
Seven days is the standard amount of time for taking a cone off after neuter, but before taking action, determine whether the incision is inflamed and if your dog will ignore it.
Only humans are diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) while canine hyperactive disorder is a rare condition. Age and breed are two factors that answer why dogs can be high-energy companions.
Only humans are diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) while canine hyperactive disorder is a rare condition. Age and breed are two factors that answer why dogs can be high-energy companions.
Journaling your dog’s health and health care allows you to track physical and behavioral wellness over time, so when your vet asks specific questions, you have answers.
Journaling your dog’s health and health care allows you to track physical and behavioral wellness over time, so when your vet asks specific questions, you have answers.

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