Kelly Pulley, Author at Dogster

Kelly Pulley

When I was born, there were seven dogs and one
evil cat named Bozo in my household. Fancy the
English Spaniel, a rescue, had her
(unexpected) five pups around the same time. As a
babe, I used to chew on our Beagle Socrates' ear.
As a tot, I faithfully followed our other Beagle Betsy
around the yard. By the time I was five, Skipper the
terrier mix, another rescue, had joined our ranks.



As an adult, I shared my life with the willful Manny, a
Golden mix, the neurotic Kingfish, a Chow mix, and
three very individual pit bulls, grumpy and loyal
Hudson, flirtatious Amber and comical Falstaff.



Dogs have not only been in my life all my life, they
have BEEN my life. Many folks mark their
achievements by how well they've done in the
corporate world or how many "friends" they have on
Facebook. Every milestone, heck, almost every
memory, somehow involves a dog. My dogs have
been not only my companions but also my
confessors, my advisers and my critics . Their
presence alone has helped me get through a nasty
divorce and restart life at 41. They have literally
been, and still are, my lifeline, a reason to live in my
darkest hours of Manic Depression.



While I did my stint editing and managing in the
world of publishing, I wrote about dogs. About ten
years ago, I was able to commit much more time to
pet writing. I now know a good way to stop gas in
dogs, why cats purr (it‘s not necessarily because
they’re fond of you), and how to treat a huge
abscess on a cranky, old pit bull.



I now spend most of my days writing about dogs
with Bunch, my young, exuberant white pit bull, in a
tiny apartment in New York City where we happily
stumble over each other. Bunch and all of the dogs
I have had and have known are inspirations to me.
The dogs I see on the streets of NYC are
inspirations. And the people who love dogs are, too.



Full Name: My full name is Kelly Cabell Pulley.



Location: New York City -- woo-hoo!



Where You Can Find Me on the Internet:


If you find some bad mystery stories online with my
name on them, I know nothing about them.



What I Do for a Living: Hmm. Technically I write
about pets for a living, but based more on the living
standards and expenses of Cambodia in Manhattan.



What I Do for Fun: I give Bunch her desired



The Furry Members of My Household Are: Bunch,
American Pit Bull Terrier (she prefers just “pit bull”
-- there’s nothing snooty about Bunch). She was
abandoned and can’t see out of one of her eyes
because of a trauma during her time on the streets.
She doesn’t mind, though, and her beauty isn’t
marred at all. Bunch is bouncing and fun and very,
very sweet, and she has many (human) boyfriends
in the neighborhood.



My Favorite Things to Write About Are: Dogs! Cats!
Horses! Any sort of dog-cat-horse creature, murder
mysteries (in a witty and “fun” way -- I'm obsessed
about the 1930s)



My Pet Peeve Is: The apparent lack of concern in
today’s youth (yes, I sound like my mother) about
correct grammar and spelling (don’t check my
spelling; that doesn’t count)



My Guilty Pleasures Are: A secret



How I Deal with Dog Hair: Gave up trying to rein it in years ago. We exist peacefully with the balls of fur
that reside in the corners and somehow get into the



What I Want to Be When I Grow Up: I still don’t
know. This writing thing is pretty good, though.

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